As I entered middle school, I started to develop a vocabulary outside of my usual AAVE (African American Vernacular English). Some noticed that I started to speak more "proper" and used bigger words that most did not understand. A great majority of my friends had to pull out a dictionary when I was speaking because they did not understand the words I was using. At that point in my life, I was really focused and determined in school, thanks to my wonder English teachers.
When I entered high school, a lot of my focus and determination was gone. A lot of my vocabulary and love for learning new words started diminishing as the days went by. I felt I no longer stood out from the other students, so I went back what I knew and that was my AAV English. Now that I'm trying to get a job in a more professional setting, I wish I would have stayed in school and continued to build my vocabulary. I'm very happy to say that my passion for learning new words is slowly coming back to me.
I feel that you were completely honest & i appreciate that. I like how you identified that your family influences how you speak because mines as well influence me. I overall feel that this post was wonderful.